Como en todo, seguro que los cotilleos mueven más lectores que las noticias serias 😉 Y no vamos a hablar de la mujer de Beckham ni de que el citado se haya reconvertido a ajedrecista, no.
Tiene toda la pinta de ser un bulo, sobre todo por el smilie 😉 que figura en la nota de prensa de la web del implicado:
London – Alexander Morozevich, one of the brightest young stars in the chess sky, has married Geraldine Halliwell of former Spice Girl fame in a private ceremony in London’s famous Notting Hill area on Friday July 6th. The bride was dressed in a tight white nylon dress under which her trademark Union Jack dress could be seen. The groom was wearing a dark Armani suit highlighting the differences between the spartan eastern criterias he had been brought up under and the extravagant western luxury that his new wife would expect to live in. A number of personal friends attended the ceremony. Sean Connery, Tina Turner, and Robbie Williams are just some names of celebrities. Geri radiated happiness and seemed pleased with having landed herself a chessplayer. «I mean, really, I’ve always wanted a chess player. You get tired of filmstars and football players so quickly. All they think about is themselves, right? A chessplayer is someone with a brain, which is unusual for men, you know, somebody who actually reacts to the world around him.» ‘Sascha’ coyly drew a parallel between Geraldine and Adams’ eigth move in the first game of his match against Leko. This is also not the first famous chess/showbiz couple to appear. Recent pairings include Irina Krush with Leonardo di Caprio and Viktor Korchnoi with Billie Piper. According to friends of the family, Geri and Sascha had been an item for quite a while. Says Geri: «Yes, I still remember the day back in February, when he asked me to go to the movies and see that new film, «Frankenstein’s Revenge», you know, the one with Andrew Horton-Kitchlew? I thought, well OK, why not? And I just thought he was so fascinating to be with. He speaks five languages, you know?» The happy couple was then off for a honeymoon in Dortmund. The place was specifically chosen by Sascha to avoid being near chess, so he could be near his bride instead. Lots of warm wishes go from the staff of TBS to the happy couple. May they produce Russia’s next olympic team.
TBS – Tryll Broadcasting Service
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No cabe duda de que Morozevich se ha tomado con sentido del humor un rumor que ha circulado por el mundillo durante un tiempo, al menos desde 2001 🙂