Archivo por meses: enero 2003

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La web est? en alem?n, pero seguro que eso es lo de menos. Sin entender mucho de lo que dice, parece la web de una empresa alemana que se dedica a la fotograf?a de modelos femeninos con motivos ajedrecistas para ilustrar calendarios, postales, tarjetas telef?nicas, posters etc.
Lo mejor es verlo y juzgar el trabajo wink.gif

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El ajedrez ha sido denominado tradicionalmente el juego de reyes, quiz? por aquellas personas que lo han visto como algo lejano y propio de personas pausadas, tranquilas e inteligentes. Aunque Umberto Eco pareci? rompernos el mito en su novela Baudolino cuando pone en boca del narrador que se consideraba un juego poco aconsejable en la corte. Locos y mani?ticos, que no falten, el otro mito ligado desde siempre al ajedrez.

Acto I, Escena I:

En mayo del a?o pasado el mundo del ajedrez se vi? sorprendido por un acuerdo de reunificaci?n del t?tulo mundial alcanzado en Praga por algunos de los principales protagonistas del mundillo. Sorprendentemente, quedaban apartados de la lucha por el t?tulo jugadores como Anand e Ivanchuk que se hab?an mantenido en la disciplina de la FIDE. Parece ser que Kasparov manifest? en la clausura de la Olimpiada de Bled que los jugadores no son qui?n para ponerle condiciones a la FIDE. Ponomariov recibe presiones de la FIDE para firmar el acuerdo para una semifinal de reunificaci?n con Kasparov y contesta manifestando su desconfianza en una organizaci?n cuyos proyectos de los ?ltimos a?os no han llegado a buen t?rmino. Y pide que no le molesten mientras juega un torneo.

Acto I, Escena II:

En septiembre del 2000 Kasparov firma un contrato con el First International Bank of Israel para crear la empresa Kasparov Chess Online y lanzar su portal por el que el banco israel? concede al ruso 1,6 millones de dolares a cambio de recibir acciones de la compa??a. Hace unas semanas, el ruso decide cerrar el portal y el banco decide demandarle por verse privado de la importante fuente de ingresos que supondr?a su nombre. La historia se puede leer en Pravda y tambi?n en estas otras fuentes. Como resultado, el match contra Deep Junior, no se jugar? en Jerusal?n.

Acto II, Escena I:

Como novedad en los Campeonatos de Espa?a por Equipos, la FEDA decidi? cobrar una fianza a los clubes participantes: 300, 900 o 1800 ? para la fase previa de primera, fase final de primera o divisi?n de honor respectivamente. Muchos ya entonces sospech?bamos que era una forma extraordinaria de conseguir dinero en una situaci?n de estrecheces financieras. El compromiso fijado en el reglamento era devolver la fianza en 15 d?as desde la finalizaci?n del torneo, estamos en enero de 2003 y hay clubes a los que a?n no se les ha devuelto. Cuando una empresa no puede hacer frente a sus pagos, se suele iniciar un procedimiento de suspensi?n de pagos. La FEDA, ni siquiera ha contactado con los clubes para darles una explicaci?n.

Acto II, Escena II:

La web cierra sus puertas tras dos a?os de excelente actividad. La raz?n expuesta en su editorial: no gana dinero. Nosotros tampoco se responde desde Quiz? era so?ar demasiado, el dinero en el ajedrez est? en las altas esferas pero los ajedrecistas no se han destacado nunca por su gasto en su afici?n. ?Qui?n desear?a para su hijo que sea un profesional del ajedrez?

Acto III, Escena I:

?Pero esto es ajedrez o un circo? titula un art?culo en El ajedrez mundial se mueve gracias al capricho de millonarios mecenas, afirma el autor. S?, y es m?s, en niveles inferiores se mueve fundamentalmente gracias a las subvenciones de organismos p?blicos o al af?n de lucro de empresas que montando un torneo aspiran a llenar sus hoteles. ?Cu?ntos clubes o competiciones se financian esencialmente con sus propios miembros? Ni siquiera el nuestro. El Real Madrid se oxigen? con unos terrenos, y el NAO Chess Club respira al ritmo de Madame Nahed Ojjeh.

Acto III, Escena II:

Encuentros por equipos en los que se acuerda un empate sin jugar. Torneos individuales en los que se apa?an resultados y se reparten premios. Ausencia de reglamentos para competiciones. Competiciones sin ?rbitros en los encuentros. Jugadores j?venes que no participan en torneos sino es con alg?n premio met?lico. Jugadores veteranos que ven que despu?s de tantos a?os seguimos igual o peor. Jugadores en general que les gusta el ajedrez, pero siempre que no coincida con otras cosas. Voces que s?lo se alzan para protestar cuando una m?sera cuota se eleva hasta alcanzar cifras cercanas a la nada. El ajedrez no le interesa ni a los ajedrecistas ?C?mo queremos que le interese al mundo exterior?


?Y al final de todo esto, qu? nos queda? Mucho, nada, lo que queramos. El vaso medio lleno o medio vacio. O ning?n vaso. ?Realmente creemos que de todo lo le?do hasta el momento nada nos afecta cuando nos sentamos delante de nuestro tablero a jugar nuestra partida? Los ajedrecistas hacen al ajedrez y el ajedrez, como cualquier actividad, transmite una imagen al exterior ya desde sus niveles m?s modestos. Aunque para la inmensa mayor?a esto s?lo sea un pasatiempo, ocupa una parte importante de nuestras vidas. Y merece que lo cuidemos un poco.

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Me dicen que lo cuelgue… as? que lo voy a hacer;-) Para m?s informaci?n preguntad a Lladini, que ya ha estado investigando sobre este incre?????????ble pa?s rolleyes.gif o mail a Alex ( Lo curioso es que no pone nada de ajedrez. biggrin.gif

Dates: To Be Advised – March 2003

Day 1: Arrival Nairobi ? City in the Sun
Nairobi: Land only tour starts in Nairobi this morning. Those taking our international flights arrive in Nairobi and transfer to our hotel. After resting and having a shower we head out for a short afternoon tour of Nairobi. Situated in the Central Highlands at an altitude of 5,450 feet (1,661 meters), Nairobi enjoys a mild climate. On our driving tour of the city and its surroundings we will see Uhuru Park, Kenya's Parliament House, the Kenyatta Conference Center, City Square and some of Nairobi's nicest suburbs. We visit the Kenya National Museum with our guide to learn about Kenya's wildlife, geology and human history. Nearby we visit Nairobi's oldest hotel, the Norfolk, which was built in 1904 and retains its British Empire charm. Outside the city we visit the Karen Blixen Museum, the farmhouse where the author of Out of Africa lived. Optional Activity: This evening, we proceed to the famous Carnivore Restaurant for a mouth-watering barbecue «Welcome to Kenya» dinner. Return to your city hotel for overnight. Overnight in Nairobi?s Panafric Hotel [Bed & Breakfast]

Day 2: Samburu Game Reserve ? Northern Kenya
Nairobi ? Samburu: Driving north from Nairobi we cross the Equator and pass Mount Kenya on our way to Samburu Game Reserve in a semi-desert area of Kenya. Samburu is located on the Ewaso Nyiro River. In this dry land the forested riverbanks are excellent areas to see wildlife, as all animals congregate here to drink, especially at dusk and early in the morning. This afternoon we take a game drive in the park. First of two nights in Samburu Game Reserve. Samburu Game Lodge. [Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner].

Day 3: Samburu Game Reserve ? Northern Kenya
Samburu Game Reserve: Early morning and afternoon game drives in Samburu Game Reserve, which covers 40 square miles (104 square kilometers).Ololokwe Table Mountain forms a dramatic backdrop to our game viewing today. In Samburu we are sure to see elephants, warthogs and buffalo which can be seen in many of Kenya's parks, but we should also see animals not found in other areas. These include the Grevy's zebra, which has much narrower stripes than the common zebra. Samburu is also home to the unusual reticulated giraffe, the blue-legged Somali ostrich and the Beisa oryx. Down by the river we hope to see crocodiles and hippos. Second night in Samburu Game Reserve. Samburu Game Lodge. [Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner]

Day 4: The Ark ? Night Game Viewing at a Spectacular Tree Hotel
Samburu ? Aberdares: Drive south across the equator to the sloped of Aberdares ranges to arrive in time for lunch at Outspan Golf and Country Club. This is perhaps one of the most exciting days of your African Safari – a spectacular evening is followed by overnight game viewing at a Tree Hotel! This morning we drive through Kenya's lushest scenery in the Aberdare Hills. These hills form the eastern flank of the Great Rift Valley and range from open moorlands to Kenya's thickest forests. Here we find many ranches, coffee plantations and early European settlements. This is also the traditional homeland of the Kikuyu people, one of Kenya's most important tribes. We leave our main luggage at the base hotel and continue with just our overnight bags to one of the famous «tree hotels», deep in the Aberdares Forest. At these unique accommodations the hotels are actually up in the branches of giant trees. Another special feature of these hotels are the floodlit watering holes where we can see night animals coming down to drink. There is an underground photograph hide', which gives you an unsurpassed view of big wild game at very close quarters. Overnight at The Treetops Hotel. [Breakfast, Lunch and dinner]

Owing to the limited size of the cabins, only a small overnight bag is permitted in the tree hotels. The rest of the luggage is safely left at the base hotel to be retrieved the following morning. Children under the age of 8 year are not permitted in the tree hotels

Day 5: Lake Nakuru National Park ? Birder?s Haven in Rift Valley
Aberdares – Rift Valley Lakes: This morning we leave the lush hills of the Aberdares and descend from the Nyandarua Escarpment into the Great Rift Valley. The Valley is one of the most prominent features on the surface of the earth, running 5,400 miles (8,700 Km) from the Jordan Valley through the Red Sea and down almost the whole length of Africa. In fact, this gigantic crack runs for more than one quarter of the earth's circumference. In places the walls of the Valley rise over 4,000 feet (1,220 meters). The Valley floor in Kenya is studded with volcanoes and seven lakes. These lakes fluctuate greatly in size according to the quality of the rains during the monsoons each year, sometimes drying up altogether. This afternoon we take a game drive round Lake Nakuru National Park. This lake is famous for its flocks of over one million Greater and Lesser Flamingoes. The abundance of these birds is due to the alkaline mineral salts in the water, which support vast blooms of the blue-green algae and diatoms on which the flamingoes feed. We also stop at a rhino reserve, where we have a chance to get up close to these highly endangered animals – the second largest land animals in the world. Overnight at the Lion Hill Lodge. [Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner].

Day 6: Masai Mara Game Reserve ? Africa?s Finest Wildlife Reserve
Rift Valley – Masai Mara: Driving south along the Great Rift Valley we come to Lake Naivasha. Even though this lake is on the floor of the Valley, it is still situated at about 6,200 feet (1,890 meters) above sea level. Naivasha presents a mystery – even though the lake has no apparent outflows, its waters are fresh. Like the other lakes of the Valley whose only way of losing water is evaporation, it should be very alkaline. Because it is one of the largest sources of fresh water in Kenya, it attracts a huge variety of birds in large numbers. It is a bird-watchers' paradise. Proceed further south and climb out of the Great Rift Valley and make our way to Kenya's premier wildlife park – the Masai Mara. This is the northern section of the Serengeti Plain, which is home to the greatest concentration of game animals in the world. First of two nights in the Masai Mara. Mara Keekorok Lodge. [Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner]

Day 7: Masai Mara Game Reserve
Masai Mara: The vast, open grasslands of the Serengeti-Mara are home to over 3 million large mammals. These include over 1.4 million wildebeest, which migrate in an enormous, straggling herd each year between the southern part of the Serengeti to the northern part and back again. With them move other herbivores such as gazelles and zebra, also looking for the best grass. Along the way they provide food for big predators such as lions, leopards and cheetahs. Here we learn about and see first hand the intricate web of dependency that binds the different species together. Each animal has adapted to its own niche and to the other animals that surround it. Here we see Nature at its most subtle and, sometimes, most cruel as each animal struggles to survive and reproduce. On our morning and afternoon game drives in the Masai Mara we have a very good chance of seeing all the major Plains animals including lion, leopard, buffalo, elephant, rhino, hyena, cheetah, jackal, warthog and many species of antelope. In this area we also encounter and learn about the Masai, a proud tribal people struggling to preserve their traditions in the face of modernization. Second night in Masai Mara. Mara Keekorok Lodge. [Breakfast, Lunch Dinner]

Day 8: Proceed to Mombasa on Kenya Coast (Via Nairobi)
After breakfast, say 'Kwaheri' – a Swahili word for bye to Masai Mara and drive back to Nairobi to arrive around midday and in time for lunch. Lunch at the Ranger?s Restaurant overlooking the Nairobi National Park. Afternoon free in Nairobi. Later this evening at around 1800hrs, we transfer you to the railway station; for your overnight journey to the Kenya coastal town of Mombasa. Met on arrival the following morning and transferred to Whitesands Beach Hotel on the North Coast of Mombasa for your 2 nights stay (extra nights can be arranged on request). Overnight at the Whitesands Beach Hotel [Half Board].

Day 9: Mombasa at a Beach Hotel
Full day on the Kenya Coast and at Whitesands Beach. Optional beach activities as well as exploring the surrounding areas. Overnight at the Whitesands Beach Hotel [Half Board].

Day 10: Mombasa at a Beach Hotel
Full day on the Kenya Coast and at Whitesands Beach. Optional beach activities as well as exploring the surrounding areas. Overnight at the Whitesands Beach Hotel [Half Board].

Day 11: Fly Back to Nairobi and Depart
Late afternoon (or at a time to be established) you will be transferred to the Mombasa Airport for your flight back to Nairobi to connect to your outbound / onward flight home or to the next destination.


– Meet and Greet Services with assistance
– Champagne-style welcome at the airport
– Complimentary authentic safari hats
– All airport/Airstrip transfers with assistance
– Complimentary baggage handling of two pieces per person
– Nairobi orientation city tour
– Free excess baggage storage in Nairobi
– Direct check-in with assistance in your Nairobi Hotels
– Bed & Full Breakfast accommodation in Nairobi
– Transport in a comfortable custom-built safari vehicle with a window seat guarantee
– All park entry fees
– Full board accommodation whilst on Safari
– Half board accommodation at the Kenya Coast
– Overnight train to Mombasa and domestic flights
– Two full game-viewing drives per day whilst on safari
– Complimentary bottled mineral water on game drives
– Services of an English-Speaking and professional safari driver/guide
– All Government taxes and levies where applicable.


– International airfares
– Tourist entry visas where required
– International departures airport taxes
– Optional excursions not included in the inclusions and or quoted separately
– Expenditures of personal nature such as telephone calls, faxes, internet access, laundry e.t.c
– All alcoholic drinks wines and spirits
– Tips and gratitude to drivers/guides, lodge and hotel staff
– All other extras not mentioned in the ?what?s included?

We will need your confirmation by /or before the 15th of February to enable us do proper bookings.

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En Chesschick?s Guide to Chess Stuff encontramos la siguiente historia:

I've recently been told that the new (June 2000) Texas Women's Champion, Angela Alston, was ten years ago Tony Alston.  None of the women participating in the tournament objected to her competing.  How could they object?  «Excuse me, but as someone who was born female I have a genetic inferiority to her so she shouldn't be allowed to compete against me; it would be unfair.»?

Que viene a decir que la Campeona Femenina de Texas del 2000, Angela Alston, se llamaba antes Tony Alston. Por supuesto ninguna de las mujeres participantes aleg? nada, y eso nos parece algo l?gico y normal ?qui?n iba a alegar diciendo como nac? mujer tengo una inferioridad gen?tica respecto a ella as? que no deber?a permitersele participar.

Un reflexi?n que a todos nos parece normal. Queda ah? para justificar la existencia de categorias mixtas y la desaparici?n de las femeninas.

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?C?al es el l?mite de las funciones del capit?n de un equipo? ?Puede aceptar unas tablas en un tablero a?n en contra de la voluntad del jugador de su equipo? Y lo que es m?s, ante la ausencia del jugador ?puede acordar tablas por las razones que sean? Esto lo pregunto por el incidente en el Antonio Rico B – Grupo 64 en que una partida termin? en tablas sin asistencia de ninguno de los dos jugadores ?tienen capacidad los capitanes para acordar tablas en esa situaci?n o lo normal ser? el 0 a 0 en ese tablero?